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Why Personal Brand Photography is Important

In this blog post, you'll find out my top 5 reasons why I think personal brand photography is important. Since starting to offer these sessions I have worked with people from many different fields and have loved to see how they have used the images. I have also recently had mine redone so it was a great time to write this post as I've seen these sessions from both sides. So let's get right into it!

1. It helps your dream clients get to know you and your business

A phrase I love is 'people buy from people' so don't be afraid to really show who you are and what you stand for. Once you start putting yourself and your brand values out there you start to attract the type of clients you work amazingly with. No more bending and twisting yourself to fit others, your dream clients will find you and be so excited to work with you. Something I am really proud of is that I have had clients comment that I am the same as how I come across on my website, from my wording to the images I chose. People notice so make sure you think about how you want to be seen!

2. First impressions count

The first image you see of me on my website, taken by Rose O'Toole Photography edited by me

Could you imagine if as a photographer the first photo you saw of me was taken on an iPhone? I imagine you wouldn't take me very seriously! Your homepage, and your profile on social media, all want to be on the same level of quality. In the digital age, we don't stay on anything for very long so you need to make a great first impression with imagery that is going to encourage them to stay. As they say, a photograph speaks a thousand words. What do you want your first thousand to say?

3. Standing out from your competitors

Something I love is incorporating things that bring you joy outside of your work. My favourite example of this is shown in the image above of my shoot with Shona of Lilac HR, we started at her home office and worked our way to the stables where her horse lives with her dogs tagging along. If I'm honest the most I'd had to do with HR before Shona was Toby from the Office, and no one wants to be a Toby (sorry Toby). So be a Shona and show that your personality beats any preconceived notions of your field!

4. Not relying on stock photographs

I'm not saying stock imagery is terrible it's great when you're planning the layout of your website and it is cost-effective too but it can be hard to find ones that match your branding. By creating your own images with a photographer you have full control over the look and feel of the images you are putting on your website. Plus they include a very important aspect - you! When you've spent all your time and energy on a business show it off in your own way.

5. Give the people what they want!

Lucy Dack Photography sitting on a swing in her studio with a blue floral dress and converse.
Photograph taken by Rose O'Toole Photography edited by me

Speaking from my own experience and I know others have noticed it too images of yourself always do better on social media. This is nice really as it shows you your followers are there for you and that they love to see you. Like many, many people out there you may not be the most confident in front of the camera (trust me I much prefer being behind it!) with the right person, it can be a great experience. I asked a fellow photographer and friend Shell of Rose O'Toole Photography to do mine as I knew I would be comfortable with her and I love the results! It makes it so much easier to show up online when you have images of yourself that you feel great about posting.


I hope you have found this blog post helpful! If you would like to see more of my personal brand photography click here.

Thank you for reading! I hope you have a lovely day 💕 Keep dreaming, Lucy x

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